Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lord of Flies Book Review

Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding. Central idea of the book is very simple: a group of children from different ethnic groups are found isolated on a deserted island (do not know how and why, but a vague mention atomic cataclysm) tries to recreate the rules of society in which they lived before becoming isolated. Gradually, the children with rational sense (Ralph and Piggy) will be consumed by instincts, senses the primary force and gross. All try to kill 'the beast' that lives in the heart of jungle, not knowing that the only beast around is the beast inside each other.

The novel is essentially an allegory on the sad human tendency to return back to the violent instincts, when one is put in front of certain conditions: isolation, lack of spatial or temporal landmark.

Read more about it on Wikipedia
Buy Lord Of Flies from Amazon:

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